Comunidad en enfermedades crónicas
En esta sección podrá consultar los últimos contenidos publicados por las distintas comunidades de práctica integradas en OPIMEC.
- Availability of Care Concordant With Patient-centered Medical Home Principles Among Those With Chronic Conditions: Measuring Care Outcomes Publicado el 26/04/2016 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Care delivery redesign in the form of patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is considered as a potential solution to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs, particularly for patients with chronic conditions. But studies of prevalence or impact at the population level are rare.
chronic conditions, measuring, medical home, outcomes, patient-centered - Pharmacists can manage some chronic conditions effectively, study suggests Publicado el 26/04/2016 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Description by original source: Pharmacists may do a better job than doctors helping chronically ill patients manage their blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels if they're allowed to direct people's health care, a new evidence review suggests.
chronic conditions, pharmacists - Medicare Help At Home Publicado el 20/04/2016 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Description by original source: Nine million community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries—about one-fifth of all beneficiaries—have serious physical or cognitive limitations and require long-term services and supports (LTSS) that are not covered by Medicare. Nearly all have chronic conditions that require ongoing medical attention, including three-fourths who have three or more chronic conditions and are high-need, high-risk users of Medicare covered services.
beneficiaries, chronic conditions, coverage, home, integrated care - Enfermedades crónicas entre los beneficiarios de Medicare Publicado el 18/12/2012 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Enfermedades crónicas entre los beneficiarios de Medicare es un libro de referencia preparado por los centros de Medicare y los servicios de Medicaid (CMS) para proporcionar una visión general de las enfermedades crónicas entre los beneficiarios de Medicare.
chronic conditions, co-morbidity, demographics and prevalence, medicare beneficiaries - Shades of Gray: Un estudio comparado entre países sobre Salud Bienestar de las poblaciones de edad avanzada en los países de SAGE, 2007-2010 Publicado el 21/05/2012 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
El informe se inicia con el envejecimiento en los países de SAGE, ofrece una visión general del proceso de envejecimiento en estos seis países, usando datos de la Oficina del Censo de Base de Datos (BID)de Estados Unidos y las proyecciones de población en datos de las Naciones Unidas, además de los datos en salud de la OMS.
aging, chronic conditions, demographic, depression, disability, health care utilization, health state, life satisfaction, preventive health behaviors, quality of life, risk factors, socioeconomic - Participación social y el envejecimiento saludable: un descuidado, factor importante de protección para enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles Publicado el 26/01/2012 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Los países de ingresos bajos y medios están envejeciendo a un ritmo mucho más rápido que los países más ricos, especialmente en Asia. Esto está sucediendo en un momento de globalización, la migración, la urbanización, y familias más pequeñas. Las personas mayores hacen contribuciones significativas a sus familias y comunidades, pero esto es a menudo comprometida por una enfermedad crónica y discapacidad evitables. La participación social puede ayudar a proteger contra la morbilidad y la ...
chronic conditions, healthy ageing, non-communicable diseases, social participation - Managing chronic conditions. Experience in eight countries Publicado el 14/03/2011 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
One of the greatest challenges facing health systems in the 21st century is the need to address the growing burden of chronic diseases, which are complex and require a long-term, multifaceted response.
chronic conditions - Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions: Building Blocks for Action Publicado el 14/03/2011 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
This global report states that health care systems around the world must reorganize their health care to meet the rising burden of chronic conditions. It alerts decision-makers throughout the world about these important changes in global health, and presents health care solutions for managing this rising burden.
chronic care , chronic conditions, community involvement, financing systems, innovative care, policy - Cardiovascular Disease and Other Chronic Conditions in Women: Recent Findings Publicado el 14/02/2011 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of women in the United States. Long thought of as primarily affecting men, we now know that CVD—including heart disease, hypertension, and stroke—also affects a substantial number of women. Experts estimate that one in two women will die of heart disease or stroke, compared with one in 25 women who will die of breast cancer.
cardiovascular disease, chronic conditions, women - Caring for People with Chronic Conditions: A Health System Perspective Publicado el 12/07/2010 por Diana Gosálvez Prados
The complex nature of many chronic diseases, which affect people in many different ways, requires a multifaceted response that will meet the needs of the individual patient. Yet while there is agreement that the traditional relationship between an individual patient and a single doctor is inappropriate, there is much less agreement about what should replace it.
caring, chronic conditions
ACCEDA al libro "Cuando las personas viven con múltiples enfermedades crónicas" y PARTICIPE en sus comunidades.
ACCCEDA al Plan Andaluz de Atención Integrada a Pacientes con Enfermedades Crónicas (PAAIPEC) y PARTICIPE.
Redes de Formación de Profesionales de Salud Pública de Andalucía.
Acceda a los videos del VI Congreso Nacional de Atención Sanitaria al Paciente Crónico. I Conferencia Nacional de Pacientes Activos - See more at:
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